True Nature: An Exploration Of Being Human 

Kindle Edition

True Nature: An Exploration Of Being Human by [Cooper, Shannon]

The true nature of every human being is peace of mind, well-being and wisdom. There’s nothing we need to do to have that because we already are that, right here, right now. Whenever we’re not feeling at peace we’re simply caught up in thought masquerading as truth. True Nature is an exploration of being human: who we really are, how we create our experience of reality and why truly understanding that can lead to profound transformation. 

Using nature metaphors to describe the psychological principles by which we all operate, this book is a reminder of what's always true, even when we’re feeling scared, confused or hurt. It's designed to wake us up to our true nature, spark insights into how we all operate and point out the kindness of the design. There is nothing to do, only something to see. You don’t need self-help or fixing. All you could ever need is a gentle reminder of what's true: everything you want and need is within you, you have innate mental health and well-being, and there exists solid principles underlying these truths that when understood, make all the difference. Welcome home.


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